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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Breaking Up With Your Job

A few weeks ago, I left my previous position, where I left behind a great view of Boston and some great friends. As I was going through the entire interviewing/give notice/start new job process, I felt like it was a breakup.

For example, it all starts with going on the interview elsewhere. You have to tell a white lie about your whereabouts - and you ultimately feel like you are sneaking around. You look over your shoulder and make sure no one sees you (don't you feel dirty?). Next, you have may get the offer, you weigh the pros and cons of each - or in some cases, you are so fed up with this thing, you are already out the door. In my case, I was leaning towards, the "it's not you thing, I need to spread my wings and see what else is out there type of thing".

Now you made up your mind - the old relationship is just not working anymore. Now you have to have that awkward breakup talk with your boss, which no one enjoys. For me, I hate that. The employer may try to get you to stay, try to work things out, or maybe they realize you are too far removed to even try to convince. You might even consider staying, because change is never easy. Always easier to know what to expect, then to make that leap.

OK, so now you move on to your new relationship. You may take some time to yourself coming out of that former relationship. Maybe you try some yoga, go skiing, or just relax. Now you start your new gig and it is a whole new game. You are on your best behavior - in the honey moon stage and just trying to feel everything out.

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